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Tips for Choosing a CBCT Reporting Partner

Tips for Choosing a CBCT Reporting Partner

In modern dentistry, leveraging Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) imaging has transformed diagnostic and treatment planning. As you navigate the complex landscape of patient care, one crucial ally stands out: a dependable CBCT reporting partner.

The decision to entrust your CBCT imaging interpretation to a reporting partner holds the potential to effortlessly unlock the diagnostic power of 3D imaging in your practice. Whether you're aligning smiles, placing implants, or evaluating a host of other conditions, the right reporting partner can propel your practice forward.

This guide will help illuminate the path toward selecting the ideal CBCT reporting partner for your dental practice. We'll delve into the pivotal attributes that define a trustworthy partner, highlighting their impact on your practice's efficiency, precision, and patient satisfaction. 

What is a CBCT Reporting partner?

A CBCT reporting partner interprets 3D CBCT scans to provide comprehensive and accurate radiology reports. After completing their dental program, these professionals have performed a specialty residency in an accredited oral maxillofacial radiology program. This specialty education gives an oral and maxillofacial radiologist the insights needed to unravel the complexities of 3D images and relate them directly to your clinical practice.

While CBCT technology empowers dental practitioners with detailed imagery, the reporting partner adds a crucial layer of clinical expertise. Their role extends beyond deciphering images; they decipher the nuances of each case, identifying anomalies, influencing anatomy, pathologies, and potential treatment considerations that might elude the untrained eye.

The partnership between a dental practice and a reporting expert is symbiotic. By delegating the task of interpreting CBCT scans to a specialist, dental practitioners free up valuable time for patient care, treatment planning, and enhancing practice productivity — all while reducing potential liability.

Key Considerations When Choosing a CBCT Reporting Partner


When you select a CBCT reporting partner, you're looking for trusted expertise. An accredited oral and maxillofacial imaging program lays this foundation with intensive coursework and thousands of reports being written and reviewed through their program. The learning process doesn't stop upon graduation. Look for a partner that invests in their team of radiologists and has established quality control programs to give you the confidence that every scan is thoroughly evaluated and will provide the clinical insight needed for your treatment planning. 

BeamReaders leads the way in creating a purposeful focus on quality reporting. BeamReaders lives by the quality of every radiologist's report reflects on the entire team. As such, the radiologists invest in each other and set the quality bar in private practice radiology. Every new OMR joining the BeamReaders team goes through an intensive onboarding experience. Onboarding includes in-depth video theory, learning cases, and test cases. Upon completing the initial phase, an onboarding radiologist pairs with two of our most senior radiologists. These senior mentors review every case and provide the new Beamer with detailed feedback on their interpretations before completing it. Upon graduating from the mentoring program, the radiologists join the rest of the BeamReaders team in our peer review process.

BeamReaders is the only team in dental radiology with an active peer review process. Every month, cases are selected and reviewed by a fellow radiologist. This peer review process helps ensure we continually grow and improve our diagnostic skills. It allows team members to learn from each other and hone their skills. You will bring this extensive expertise virtually to your chairside when you partner with BeamReaders.

Quality and Accuracy of Reports

The hallmark of a dependable CBCT reporting partner lies in the quality and accuracy of their radiology reports. The partner should consistently deliver comprehensive, clear, and actionable reports. Assessing the partner's reputation among other dental practitioners and seeking testimonials can provide valuable insights into the reliability of their reports. An effective reporting partner not only deciphers the images but also provides thorough explanations, helping you understand the clinical implications of their findings.

The BeamReaders team consistently earns praise and accolades from our colleagues, partners, and customers for the accuracy and timeliness of reporting and for identifying findings that might otherwise be overlooked. 

"When we go to conferences about the use of CBCTs in guided surgery, etc., we are told that we're responsible for the entire field of view and it's prudent to have our scans evaluated by a radiologist. But then we leave the conferences and we don't really know where to turn for those services. When I found BeamReaders, it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. My BeamReaders radiologist has been fantastic to work with on all my cases!"

Jennifer Bone DDS, MAGD
Hill Country Dental Associates
Kerrville, TX

Focused Solutions

Dental practices vary widely in their specialties and the cases they handle. A CBCT reporting partner should understand your practice focus and offer solutions tailored to your needs. A medical radiologist may be able to identify a lesion, but an oral and maxillofacial radiologist is a dentist first and understands your clinical objectives. The dental foundation allows an oral and maxillofacial radiologist to craft their report to what is clinically relevant for you and your patient. 

Whether you focus on orthodontics, oral surgery, or implantology, the partner should provide insights relevant to your specialty. Discuss how the reporting partner accommodates different cases and inquire about any specialized reports they offer that align with your practice's focus areas.

Sample image of an airway analysis in 3D space.

BeamReaders builds each report around your patient focus. During the streamlined submission process, we ask why you took the scan (study purpose), any areas of concern, clinical observation, and patient-specific treatment objectives. Every BeamReaders report addresses these concerns and reviews the entire volume for abnormalities and pathology. BeamReaders has also developed reporting guidelines based on feedback from hundreds of practices to ensure each report addresses the study's purpose.

BeamReaders also works with many groups with specific analyses from the CBCT scan that lay the foundation for their treatment process. Our team works with these groups to incorporate the additional requirements into the radiology report or an image portfolio a trained imaging technician created. One example is the ability to add further quantitative analysis to your radiology reports that follow within the Airway Collaborative framework

Turnaround Time

You don't want to wait for your radiology report to take the next step in your patient's treatment. Ensuring your partner has the scale, processes, and commitment for timely reporting is critical in picking the right partner. Dental practices often operate on tight schedules, requiring prompt interpretation and access to radiology reports for timely treatment planning. 

A reliable partner should offer quick report delivery without ever compromising on accuracy. Inquire about their average turnaround time and any options for expedited delivery when urgent cases arise. Choosing a partner that respects and meets your practice's time constraints ensures that patient care remains seamless and streamlined.

BeamReaders staff of over 70 oral and maxillofacial radiologists helps ensure that turnaround times are consistently met for our customers, and rush processing can ensure your case is completed within the next business day. Turnaround times are publicly available and regularly communicated to maintain customer transparency.

Clear and Transparent Pricing

When working with a radiology reporting partner, you get specialized expertise applied to your patients. Transparency in pricing is also vital for a trustworthy CBCT reporting partner. When considering a reporting service, seek partners who provide clear and comprehensive pricing information upfront. 

Ambiguities or hidden fees can lead to unwelcome surprises and disrupt your practice's financial planning. A dependable partner should offer a transparent breakdown of their pricing structure, detailing the cost of their services. This clarity fosters a sense of trust and allows you to make well-informed decisions without worrying about unexpected expenses. You can confidently integrate their services into your practice's financial framework by aligning with a partner that prioritizes clear and transparent pricing.

BeamReaders offers simple, straightforward, tiered pricing for Radiology reports, and you can earn discounts based on the monthly volume of cases. The more reports you need, the more you save! BeamReaders also lists prices for common additional analyses that can be integrated into the radiology report, which represents the additional time your partner radiologist invests in these specialized cases. Any cases that need to be expedited or additional analysis requirements can be selected for a flat fee during the case submission, ensuring transparent pricing. 

Communication and Customer Support

Effective communication and reliable customer support are pivotal to a successful partnership with a CBCT reporting company. A dependable reporting partner should offer accessible and responsive communication channels that allow you to easily reach out with questions, concerns, or special requests. 

Whether it's clarifying report details or discussing unique cases, prompt and helpful responses contribute to a smooth collaboration. Look for partners that prioritize open lines of communication and demonstrate a commitment to addressing your queries promptly. A reporting partner's willingness to engage in clear and constructive communication builds trust, ensuring that your practice's needs are understood and met throughout your partnership.

BeamReaders emphasizes communication and customer support at every stage. During onboarding, you'll receive personalized care to set up your practice and ensure you have everything you need. We encourage you to contact your radiologist with follow-up questions on your reports. RadChats is built directly into the platform, allowing you to communicate about a patient's case with your radiologist securely. BeamReaders also has a dedicated, US-based support team to address any questions or technical issues you may run into. Our support team has over 40 years of combined dental imaging expertise and is ready to help. The entire BeamReaders team is committed to your success.

Dania Tamimi speaking on stage at a conference. Slideshow reads: "The Mystery of the Changing Bite"


The right partner should want to build your imaging knowledge too. Authentic partners don't lock up the knowledge and say they only have the keys. A solid understanding of 3D anatomy, influencing structures, typical issues, and more will help you better apply imaging to your patient's diagnostic and treatment process. 

BeamReaders believes that the more you understand the complex nuances of 3D dental imaging, the more valuable of a partner we can be to you. BeamReaders offers a wide range of educational opportunities, from free webinars to an online academy and live virtual courses. 

We have a range of one-on-one courses that allow you to dive deep into a specific topic or group of cases with an oral and maxillofacial radiologist.

See BeamReaders' educational offerings


When evaluating a CBCT reporting partner, it's essential to consider the technological platform they provide for accessing and managing patient records and radiology reports. An efficient and user-friendly platform explicitly built for CBCT reporting can significantly enhance your experience, security, and practice efficiency.

Look for a reporting partner that offers a dedicated online platform accessible around the clock. This 24/7 availability ensures that you can securely access radiology reports and associated data whenever needed, accommodating your busy schedule and allowing for timely treatment planning. The platform should be intuitively designed, making it easy to upload scans, view reports, and communicate with the reporting team.

At BeamReaders, our platform is built from the ground up to provide excellence in dental radiology. It consists of a secure, cloud-based platform that offers communication, collaboration, storage, 24/7 access to your reports, and detailed case and billing management. Learn more about our platform

Security and Privacy Measures

When evaluating a CBCT reporting partner, stringent security and privacy measures within their technology platform and communications are crucial. Opt for a partner that employs robust encryption and data protection protocols, safeguarding patient information during transmission and storage. This approach ensures the utmost confidentiality of sensitive data and prevents unauthorized access.

Furthermore, inquire about the partner's commitment to regulatory compliance, particularly HIPAA standards. A reliable reporting partner will have stringent policies, conduct regular security audits, and maintain transparency about their data protection practices. Beware, many file-sharing apps are not HIPAA compliant out of the box, and e-mailing records back and forth is a big no-no. By selecting a partner with a secure technology platform, you establish a foundation of trust in your partnership while prioritizing patient data privacy and maintaining the integrity of your practice.

Security of the BeamReaders platform and electronic protected health information (ePHI) is a top priority. BeamReaders has developed the VoxDental platform with data security at the forefront. Patient data is always encrypted; all communication channels are within our secure, HIPAA-compliant portal. The built-in collaboration feature lets you share patient files and chat with treatment partners HIPAA-compliantly. The ability to easily manage your practice users, set multi-factor authentication requirements, and easily collaborate within the platform simplifies your data compliance and reduces your cyber risk. 

The BeamReaders team undergoes ongoing training and policy reviews to ensure we treat your data with the utmost protection. BeamReaders takes great care to comply with all administrative, physical, and technical safeguards regulations to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and security of electronic protected health information. 

In Summary

Selecting the right CBCT reporting partner to elevate your dental practice can be a significant decision. Focusing on pivotal factors related to expertise, accuracy, and open communication can ensure confidence in your diagnoses and treatment plans — but that is only half of what makes a great CBCT reporting partner. The non-clinical related aspects, like turnaround times, pricing, support, technology platform, and security measures, are equally vital in ensuring that processes are seamless, efficient, and patient data remains confidential.

In the world of dental care, a dependable CBCT reporting partner can become your trusted ally, elevating not just the clinical but also the operational aspects of your practice. This harmonious collaboration ensures that your patients receive nothing short of exceptional care.

Ready to learn more about how BeamReaders works? See how you can get started in just three easy steps!

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BeamReaders Team

September 6, 2023