BeamReaders provides dental diagnostic imaging services with comprehensive radiology reports for CBCT and MRI scans. Our goal is to help you extract the maximum clinical value out of your scan.

Know the Unknowns

Full scan evaluation reduces 3D liability

Uncover Influencing Anatomy

Each anatomical area’s impact evaluated

Improve Treatment Plans

Concise Radiology Reports tell the 3D Story

How to Get Started


Getting started is free and easy. You'll only be billed for completed cases and there are no annual or reoccurring charges.


While signing up please enter the registration code: DSN


You can easily upload your patient info and image volumes in our secure portal.


If you are already using BeamReaders please send an e-mail to our support team ( letting us know you are part of DSN and we'll get the preferred pricing applied to your account.

Preferred Pricing

As a member of the DSN group you receive preferred pricing:

1 - 4


$100 ea

5 - 19


$93 ea



$86 ea

BeamReaders offers educational courses through the Institute of Advanced Maxillofacial Imaging (IAMI) to provide clinicians with valuable imaging and diagnostic skills used in modern practices.

BeamReaders also offers additional resources for clinicians to illuminate their knowledge, better support their radiology practices and improve patient outcome.

"We've built a great team of dental radiologists to unpack every 3D scan and provide written reports that give the clinician the critical info they need, save them time, and reduce their liability."

Add BeamReaders To Your Team Today

We’re here to support you and help you excel in your patient’s care by starting with an accurate diagnosis. Tap into our imaging expertise today. Registering is easy, free, and secure.

Join Now