When - How - Why

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Need Instructions to Export Your CBCT DICOM?

We can send you specific instructions on how to export the DICOM (.dcm) volume from your CBCT.

The document provided below is scanning protocol recommendations & tips we hope will prove to be an invaluable tool for your practice.  We have broken down each study purpose and supplied you with a document that outlines the Field of View, Voxel, time and positioning to use for the best scans of your patients!

We hope this helps!

"After receiving my 3D Scanner, I quickly found I did not have adequate time to interpret all the images. In addition, and certainly more importantly I didn't feel totally adequate interpreting all the information on these images that were outside of my area of expertise. I find it less costly overall to free up my time to see my patients and let BeamReaders handle the reporting of the 3D scan. I have been incredibly happy with BeamReaders, and very satisfied from day one. Their reports are concise, they are clear and they are quick."

— Camille Mayorga

Extracted from article 'Imaging Pearls' by Dr. Zubad Newaz, DDS. Full article published with the Pennsylvania Academy of General Dentistry and can be read here:  BeamReaders Published Articles

"We report our radiographic impression, but we also share with you ourthinking behind our impression."
Dr S Thomas Deahl, DDS, MS, Diplomate of ABOMR

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